This year, everything we do has become more difficult as our industries and supply chains react to continuously changing health guidelines. Because of all the change, more products than ever before have been made available for online purchase. But as you browse for your next part, what separates one online store from another, and how can you trust you are getting the best price and service? That’s easy! Shop with Boston Aircontrols for the best of both.

For starters, we’re here for you! Our team isn’t an outsourced set of robots roaming a warehouse or bots answering calls. We’re actual people! The folks who make up the Boston Aircontrols team all have years of industry experience and, if you call us, you get to speak to a person who understands what you need, the application it will be used for, and more. This real-world experience allows us to connect with our customers.
What good would an amazing team be without industry knowledge? We wouldn’t know! At Boston Aircontrols we don’t have a sales team. We have HVAC experts with more than 100 years of industry experience. Our experts are here to help you with any jam, question, or get you right to what you need. There is no sales script, just genuine people who can carry a normal conversation. In many cases, our team has been able to identify parts over the phone just based on project needs and specs.
We would kick ourselves if we didn’t mention the most important reason many contractors and businesses trust us: price! Our nonexistent sales team saves us on commissions, staffing, training, and more. As a platinum Belimo distributor and an authorized Siemens retailer, you can trust that you are getting the best pricing available. Our prices are as low as we are legally allowed to sell to you. So if you are thinking “maybe a big box site will have better prices,” you may want to rethink that. Our prices are low and our expertise is high to ensure you get the correct parts at the best price.

If low prices and industry expertise aren’t enough then try out our customer service! Our team is family, literally. This allows us to maintain the small business feel and attention to each customer. You are not a number. We understand that you are in need of HVAC parts and we’ve all been there in similar situations. We regularly have conversations with our clients that lead to smaller sales, but result in a better product fit for the customer. Our customer service is focused on making sure you have the right part for your project and your budget.

Give our team a call today to get pricing on your next order. We are here to help you troubleshoot specifications and find the right product for your project. If you have questions before your next order, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.