Belimo’s Incredible ZoneTight™ Valves Just Got Better


Belimo Zone Tight Valves
Do you work in some extremely small spaces? Belimo’s ZoneTight™ valves bring efficiency and other major benefits to tightest of spaces. These compact valves offer low power consumption and zero leakage. Belimo has set the performance standard for pressure dependent and pressure independent zoning application with these versatile valves.

Pressure Dependent ZoneTight™ Valves
The ultra-compact QCV (ZoneTight™ Zone Valve) provides 95% less power consumption than conventional zone valves. The valves are equipped with a space-saving 2-way or 3-way ball valve and an electronic rotary actuator. QCV has an installation height of just 4.33 inches (110 mm) and has field adjustable Cv value to meet your design requirements.

Pressure Independent ZoneTight™ Valves
The PIQCV (ZoneTight™ Pressure Independent Zone Valve) offers all the benefits of a Pressure Independent Characterized Control Valve (PICCV) but in a super compact manor. It’s the smallest pressure independent characterized ball valve in the market. The PIQCV combines a differential pressure regulator with a 2-way control valve. This allows you to have a 2-way control valve to supply to a specific flow for each degree of ball opening regardless of system pressure fluctuations. It’s a balancing valve and a control valve all-in-one.

Belimo’s ZoneTight™ valves are designed to easily connect to the actuator allowing operators and technicians to install them quickly, easily, and without the use of tools. They also come with a comprehensive 5-year Belimo warranty.

Belimo Expands ZoneTight™ Valve Series In 2020, Belimo expanded the ZoneTight™ Valve Series to include additional line voltage electronic fail-safe actuator operation for QCV, PIQCV, and a retrofit solution for zoning applications. These options are not yet available online but contact the team at Boston Aircontrols for pricing at 888-423-2525.

The new available actuator models include:
• CQKBUP-RR (Normal Close / Fail Close (NC/FC))
• CQKBUP-LL (Normal Open / Fail Open (NO/FO))
• CQKXUP (Factory clip setting, cable option, NC/FC or NO/FO as ordered)

QCV & PIQCV ZoneTight™ Valves

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