Important Questions When Sizing and Selecting a Control Valve


At Boston Aircontrols we often get the question, what control valve should I buy? There are thousands of options across many manufacturers and it’s not a one size fits all. Control valves are designed for an important job – to regulate pressure and/or flow rate but that varies greatly depending on the system. Belimo offers hundreds of Characterized Control Valves (CCV) and Pressure Independent Control Valves. We know we can find you the right control valve, but how do we narrow it down given the plethora of options?

Things to consider when sizing and selecting an HVAC control valve:

  1. What is the pipe size you are connecting to?
  2. Does the valve need to be 2 Way or 3 Way?
  3. If 3 Way, is that for mixing or diverting?
  4. Do you know the gallons per minute or Cv rating?
  5. What is the required close-off pressure?
  6. What is the application? (Common options are hot water, chilled water, low pressure steam or high pressure steam)
  7. How is the valve controlled?
  8. Should the valve be pressure independent?
  9. What is the media temperature range?

Ready to Talk Control Valves?

Our team is here to help! Once you have answers to these important questions we can help guide you to the right Belimo Control Valve solution. Call our experts at 888-423-2525.

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